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​​Get to know Tim...BIRTHDAY:  August 31, 1985


JOB TITLE:  Owner/Partner Freedom Farms


Tim is in charge crop planning, and planting. He studies soil samples, develops
field layout, orders seeds, tills the land, plants the seeds, irrigates the fields, picks
the crops, and cleans up the fields at the end of the year. In addition, Tim spends a great deal of time teaching his younger brothers what hard work means and how best to focus that work.


Get to know Tim...

Tim King

What would you be doing for a living if you weren't a farmer?

I would be a teacher. I really appreciate the thought of investing my time in people in general. I was especially interested in working with children and mentally challenged people.

What do you enjoy about farming?
I love to be in the greenhouses. Seeing a seed turn into a fruit bearing plant is fulfilling to me. I also like that I am able to feed my family in a wholesome, nutritious way with what comes from a tiny seed...and a lot of work.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t farming?
I like to spend time with my family. I really enjoy hunting with my younger brothers.

What are some traits you feel are important to your work as a farmer?
I am a hard worker. I truly believe that as long as the sun is out and there are things that need done, I should be doing them. I think I try to look at problems in a rational way, without letting my emotions pull me towards decisions.

What are some of your fondest or strongest memories of growing up on a farm?
I don’t have one favorite memory that I cherish the most of living and working on a farm; I have so many good memories that it is hard to pick just one. However, some do stick out in my mind: I can remember picking tomatoes as a young boy with my mother, brothers, and sister. We were told that we would get paid a dollar for a every crate of tomatoes that we picked. This was a huge incentive, not for the money, but for the title of quickest picker. Everyone picked as fast as they could, tomatoes were flying into crates. I ended up with 20 crates, full to the brim! I am not sure who took the crown, but I do remember the sense of accomplishment far exceeding the monetary reward. 


Another great memory came from when I was a teenager. My brothers and I swam in our pond all our lives, so when I got to be teenager the thrill had waned. So, we had the idea to build a rope swing. We used that swing everyday that summer and had a lot of fun, even when we weren’t supposed to be. Even farmers need to let loose and have some fun. My most recent memory starts three years ago, in 2009. My brothers and I decided to start our own farm and work it the way we knew we could. We all worked different jobs at the time, but it seemed that no matter what we did, we still wanted to farm the land. I guess when they say that farming is in your blood, they weren’t joking.


With the help of our family and our supporters, we were able to breath life into Freedom Farms. Now, every summer I get to work with my family and produce beautiful, nutritious vegetables…and of course, more memories.

What are your favorite things about your brothers/partners?
We work really well together and our strengths together outweigh our downfalls separately. I love  our mutual respect for each other and the passion we all have. We are able to inspire each other to be better farmers and people. I couldn’t ask for better partners, brothers or friends.

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