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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Email us at and we'll do our best to answer!

We get lots of questions and have chosen some that we get asked more than others:

Do you ship any produce, cuisine or baked goods?



No. The only thing we ship is our merchandise (t-shirts, bags, etc) and our magazine. Our goal is to reach a 20 mile radius to serve our local community. We recommend you seek out the closest farmer to you and support them.



What made you decide on the name “Freedom Farms?”


We love the word freedom so we chose the name as it describes our freedom to be independent, have purpose, do what we love and to support others who do the same. It gives us the freedom to know where our food comes from, to create our own future and lifestyle, and to share that with our customers. Someday we hope to have the freedom to create our own financial dependency and legacy.



Do you grow any GMO crops? How about herbicides, antibiotics or steroids?


No, we do not grow any GMO crops. We have been eliminating the ones we did have over the last few years after some research on the issues. For our animal feed we are in the process right now of trying to find farmers who grow non-GMO corn, beans, and grains and will work hard to do so. We have also been eliminating the use of herbicides. This (2013) will be our first year herbicide free. It is very difficult to control weeds without herbicides, so this is something we take pride in. We do not use any antibiotics or steroids in our animals. we are passionate about what we do, and care about what we feed our family and yours. Sometimes we have to spray some insecticides but only do so if we our going to lose a crop. we have to make money to keep the company going and our family fed. Eventually we will find ways to completely eliminate any spraying and are finding different ways to do so every year. If you come to our store, all you have to do is ask if a crop has been sprayed, we will be honest and point you in the right direction. We wash our crops and we would eat anything we sell to you. We encourage people to stay concerned about these issues and spread the word. People should care about what they feed themselves and their families. It starts with just one or two people talking about it and could turn into something huge.


What do you guys find works best for weeds amongst the vegetables?


We use plastic mulch to control most of the weeds around the plants. We lay the black plastic mulch a month before planting to germinate the weed seed underneath and eventually the weed will die because of the lack of light. We also use straw mulch in between the rows to keep weeds down. We weed by hand if there is any need to after we plant.



How do you choose new varieties of veggies? Just a few plants to try at first?


Choosing varieties can be tricky. There are many things to consider like size, flavor, texture, days to maturity, determinate or indeterminate varieties, disease resistance, and if the variety grows well in your region. It is a good idea to keep it simple. Only pick a couple varieties see how they do and make adjustments the following year.



Do you raise chickens in the winter time? What is the best way to take care of them?

Get them inside a high tunnel, a barn, or a homemade shack to keep them warm.  They will produce their own heat.  Put lights on them for a few extra hours extending the day light, to maintain production.



What is the black plastic you use for your rows?  Can you tell me what its made of or if its plastic and or where do you get it?​

We use embossed plastic mulch, 1 mil thick. We get it from someone local. we recommend you do the same. Support your local economy!



How do you stake your tomato plants? Any other tips for tomatoes or peppers?

We space plants every two feet and pound stakes in every two plants. Watch the episode of Farm Kings when we had the Freedom Farms Games and you will see our technique of stringing. For tomatoes, the most important time to water and fertilize with calcium is when the plants are starting to produce their buds.



I know you are not certified organic, but I was wondering if you could share some of your farming philosophies (use of pesticides, cage free, etc)?

We are not completely organic but are working towards it. We will never pay to have our crops labeled certified organic. The USDA allows some sprays that they list, and people can still be considered organic. We want to keep our ground healthy by spreading compost and rotating our crops and animals in an organized and healthy way. This will eliminate chemicaly engineered fertilizers and reduce the amount of pest insects.



When is the best time to harvest vegetables?


The best time to harvest any vegetables is in the morning, but with the large amount we harvest we have to pick throughout the whole day.






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